
Anthesis Group

Telefon: 0705-46 76 53
Adress: Barnhusgatan 4, 111 23 Stockholm


Our Swedish business reinforces the Group’s sustainability diagnostics services in the field of environmental economics and sustainability analysis, including sustainable energy systems and sustainable urban development. With a firm background in research, and by using a diverse tool box of quantitative and qualitative methods, we provide a solid link between theory and sustainable practice. As the Anthesis center of excellence in environmental economics, our Swedish business helps our global clients understand the economic risk and opportunity provided by building social capital and by accounting for the value of ecosystem services. These services will lend support to our clients in pursuing competitive advantages when voluntary sustainability disclosure is replaced by creation of shared value (CSV) as the new frontier of strategic sustainability communication.


Our main types of services are consulting, research and training in environmental economics. We have expertise in monetary valuation of natural capital and ecosystem services, cost-benefit analysis, assessment of economic policy instruments and multi-criteria analysis - methods which are widely applicable. We also have core competencies in sustainable energy systems and sustainable urban development, where we have a unique integrated (economy-environment-energy) business proposition based on long experience and innovative solutions.

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