• Live and VR demonstrations of Victaulic products
• Presentation of Victaulic Toolbar for Revit® features
• Pump setting with the StringThin ™ 100 Stainless Steel Stainless Steel System and Classic Victaulic Original Groove System
• Display of Victaulic Style 150 and Style 155 expansion joints, which hold thermal expansion or contraction
Victaulic, world-leading manufacturer of mechanical pipeline systems, will be exhibiting at Nordbygg, April 10-13 in Stockholm, demonstrating a selection of its products and solutions.
During Nordbygg, which will be held in Stockholm on April 10-13, visitors will experience Victaulic's mechanical space solutions, both on-site and via 3D virtual reality technology. Among other things, some of the new features of Victaulic Toolbar for Revit® will be presented and the StrengThin ™ 100 Riding System will be demonstrated.
"At Victaulic we want to provide our customers with products that are time- and cost-effective and safer than anything else on the market," says Jarle Amble, Nordic Sales Manager for Plumbing at Victaulic. Exposing Nordbygg offers an incredible opportunity for Victaulic to meet, as well as demonstrate our products and solutions for customers in the Nordic market.
For those who want to know more about Victaulic or interested in a conversation with the company's industry experts, it is possible to contact the team on site at Nordbygg 2018, from 10 to 13 April at stand A27: 49.
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Ny ventil från Victaulic minskar installationstiden och sparar pengar åt VVS-industrin.
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Victaulic lanserar världens första rillade mekaniska rörsystem för mättad ånga.
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